Leanid Zaika: Let's Better Ask Where Our $ 70 Billion Have Gone To

  • 19.01.2018, 10:27

Let's leave the directors of agro-industrial complexes alone.

The criminal case has been opened against 59-year-old general director of the agro-industrial complex Zara in Mahiliou region for theft in a particularly large amount. In November 2017, the traffic police found more than 30 kg of the plant's products in the trunk of his car.

According to the case materials, the general director stole products for a total of more than 270 rubles and took them out on his personal car from the territory of the enterprise, writes.

Head of the analytical center Strategy Leanid Zaiko does not see a particular crime in the act of the agro-industrial complex head.

– It is necessary to take example from other countries, like UK, and do the same thing here. If you work at a factory of washing powders, for example, you have the right to receive a certain amount of kilograms of powder for free once a month.

The expert believes that there are more important things in Belarus than three tens of kilograms of meat or three dollars received by a doctor for a fictitious sick certificate:

– Over the past 12 years, the country has lost about 70 billion dollars. We borrowed 40 billion credits, that is, we are in debt. Where are these 40 billion? And our GDP has decreased by 30 billion since 2014.

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