Legendary Miron Put Up White-Red-White Flag Over Battlefield Near Vorsha

  • 8.09.2017, 10:57

The national hero of underground resistance called on the Belarusians to fight for the independence of their country.

Vitsebsk activist Alena Stsiapanava wrote that on Facebook.

"I received a letter from an unknown mail.

The following was written there:

Popular hero Myron, known in Vitsebsk and in Belarus, joins the partisan movement.

September 8, the battlefield near Vorsha. While the society is waiting for the end of Russian maneuvers on our land, capable Belarusians should remember the guerrilla experience of previous generations."

And these pictures.

As I understood, it was a request to share it with everyone who is interested. I am sharing. And I congratulate you on the Day of Belarusian Military Glory!" – the activist wrote.

Let's remind that the prevention rally demanding the cancellation of the exercises West-2017 will start at Kastrychnitskaya Square in Minsk at 7 p.m. today.

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