What Other Taxes and Fees to Be Imposed?

  • 20.09.2017, 8:13

The authorities are looking for money in panic.

Wise people have learned the maximum: in the Belarusian authorities promise something, they will move in an opposite direction. Yesterday the director of the National Centre for Legislation and legal Studies Vadzim Ipatau stated after the meeting with Lukashenka that the issues of fines and confiscations of goods from entrepreneurs would be more "differentiated".

Slimmer statements were made by authorities about housing and utility tariffs. Having promised to give the opportunity to "save" on "night tariffs", they immediately "surprised" people: tariffs are the highest in the period from 5 to 10 pm, the very time when people arrive from work.

Why do the authorities invent such experiments on the people on the eve of the arranged "March of Angry Belarusians 2.0" on October 21? The representative of the Belarusian National Congress in Slonim, former individual entrepreneur Viktar Marchyk answered questions of

- When you used to be an entrepreneur you got a priceless experience in communicating with inspectors and fiscal authorities. What can authorities' statements about the "new approach" to entrepreneurs mean?

- It means robbery and a new "de-kulakization". For more than ten years entrepreneurs have heard from the authorities the same thing: they say, we are following the path of "liberalization" of conditions for small and medium-sized businesses. But in fact, all this time the conditions for individual entrepreneurs have only worsened. It's high time to understand there: entrepreneurs are not the people who can fall for such promises.

The practice showed us the opposite side of these conversations. And there is a reliable sign - when the authorities say "we will help you, let's cooperate" - the opposite is true. These statements do not cause anything but skepticism. There will be no thaw. I will say again that there is one way for entrepreneurs of Belarus, it's the Square.

- Problems of IEs, with the best their relevance, affect a small group of people. But utility "reforms" of the government touched each of us. How would you comment on "differentiated" tariffs for housing and communal services?

- These tariffs already called "night" are another example of a trickery from the authorities. The most expensive tariffs are in the evening, when people come back home after work!

You worked all day, paid them a lot of taxes, turned on the light, and they count your money again. They switched on the counter at the highest level and milk money. It's a brilliant idea.

I can see only the desire to rob the people as much as possible.The authority has no money, it takes a new level of a robbery to make people spend their last savings.

It is clear that all this is aimed at milking money for the treasury every evening, when you just cannot but use the electricity. Especially young people who use computers.

It's frightful to think of other imposed fees and taxes!

- What do you mean?

- Everything's possible. At least the tax on the air. Such a decree may be imposed. After all, Decree No. 3 on "parasitism", in its essence, was the same tax on air: pay for what you did not do. That is, the way of this has already been opened. They will invent other taxes to milk people and "press down" the working people.

- Do you think authorities understand that any action causes counter-action? Let's recall protest actions across the country in the spring.

- As soon as people face these changes including Decree No.3, there will be the repetition of spring actions.

This is the best argument in favor of the Square - to show the people their empty wallet. And the authority gets away with it. The more people look into this empty wallet, the sooner changes come.

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