Kolya Lukashenka Treated With Doughnuts At Tea Party

  • 19.09.2017, 14:57

The son of the dictator attended a tea party organized to celebrate the free labour of teenagers on his father’s melon plantation.

On Saturday, September 16, teenagers who worked for free at the melon plantation of Lukashenka and his son Kolya, were forced to unload 6 tons of watermelons for the Minsk Boarding House for pensioners and disabled persons. Kolya Lukashenka’s class has been patronizing this boarding house for a long time, the younger son of the dictator brought watermelons here back in 2015.

The residents of the boarding house had tea with Kolya and talked.

— Our residents asked many questions to Kolya, they were interested in his life. They asked what was his favourite sports, whether he had pets, to which he answered that he had an Alsatian, — Deputy Director of the boarding house Inha Zhudryk-Shulayeva told — This time we made no presents for Kolya, but organized a tea party instead, baked doughnuts and pies. However, previously, we gave an embroidered picture with the old Minsk, a flower arrangement, and various sweet gifts on Christmas holidays to Kolya’s class.

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