Russian Troops Being Disguised At Polish Border?

  • 18.09.2017, 13:36

The firing ground in Brest was transferred to the extra-classified regime.

The “Brestski” firing ground has been closed for the access of civilians, by a reference to the order of the Brest garrison commanders, informs.

“On September 19-21, the exercises involving military equipment and shooting will be taking place at “Brestski” firing ground. Visiting the site in the specified period is strictly prohibited,” — the Brest garrison command staff informed.

“However, the point is, the “Brestski” firing ground does not host the West-2017 exercises, officially, like — we will not fight close to the border... There are regular shootings there, but now they decided to be on the safe side. There is information that some Russian units remained there after the previous exercises Fraternity-2017. They will also fight a war against Veishnoria and Lubenia,” — a reader from Brest informed to the

Important to note, the Russia-Belarus military exercises West-2017 officially started on September 14 in the territory of Belarus. A record number of rail cars — more than 4 thousand — was involved to transfer the Russian contingent. Many politicians and military experts believe that Russian troops will remain in Belarus after the exercises.

The Warning Action demanding the abolition of the exercises West-2017 took place on September 8 in the Kastrychnitskaya Square in Minsk.

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