Ministry Of Education: Large And Religious Families Are Departure From Norm

  • 11.09.2017, 10:32

Officials put down many children and religious families as "socially dangerous."

Large families and families of believers "are characterized by the presence of a deviation from the norm that does not allow defining them as trouble-free ones."

This is stated in the methodical manual "Work with children in need of social and psychological support," published on the website of the Education, Sports and Tourism Department of the Kopyl Regional Executive Committee, which is part of the Ministry of Education's system.

Incomplete families, low-income families, replacement families, including foster families, as well as families of immigrants, refugees, emigrants, students, families with disabled children, families where one or both parents are disabled are also referred to disadvantaged families.

"Risk factors do not necessarily indicate a lack of a comfortable environment for the child. The mentioned factors just make it necessary to register the family with the corresponding department; but if these factors come together with interpersonal conflicts and the tension of intra-family relations, then such a family gets classified as a problem family; and if there also are certain reasons, it gets into the category of families in a socially dangerous situation," – cites the manual.

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