"We'll Have to Become Partisans"

  • 17.08.2017, 10:16

The Belarusians are preparing for the West-2017 military exercises.

Russian-Belarusian West-2017 military exercises in Belarus start in September, but now this topic has become one of the main in the world media.

The unusual nature of upcoming exercises more reminiscent of the "smooth occupation" of the country, was mentioned even when it became known that a record high number of railroad carriages - more than 4.000 - was involved in the transfer of the Russian contingent to Belarus. Now many Belarusian and European politicians as well as the military men believe that Russian troops will remain in Belarus after the exercises.

Belarusians are outraged by their country's involvement in geopolitical games of an aggressive neighbour from the East. On September 8 the Warning Action demanding the abolition of the West-2017 exercises starts at 7 pm, Kastrychnitskaya Square, Minsk.

Numerous comments on devoted to the West-2017 exercises testify to the mood of Belarusians.

When the Crimea was evaded, they also had exercises

"In a train window I saw a huge column of troops near Pechy. They were accompanied by traffic police. Russian troops arrived (I saw carriages and cars with Russian numbers). Why are there so many soldiers and what is this all for?"

"Collect all information about the movement of Russian troops. Take photos, videos, audio recordings, online streams. Whatever one can do. And upload it on the Internet. You can create guerrilla accounts under fictitious names, so as not to get fried. Intelligence and information gathering is a part of military operations, a very important part. It can be done by every Belarusian who does not want the Russian troops to turn his house into ruins, just like in the Donbas."

"When the Crimea was invaded, they also had exercises, and "they are not there" turned into "the Crimea is ours"! And now the turn of Belarus has come. And then they will say: "We are not there." Now they quietly settle in military units and no one can even guess it!".

"The day has come when not only the youth should go to the Square. The whole Minsk should come out. If the world community sees that all our people are against exercises, against occupation, this will give us great moral support. The whole world should see that we are the nation. We had a conversation. And this will be the ground to remove our inadequate person from power. Only together we can protect our country and become masters of our home."

The Fight Is Required

"I hope that Belarusian soldiers will refuse to obey orders of traitors and will take the side of the people in order to defend our common interests and our homeland - Belarus. Long Live Belarus! Square-2017!"

"These exercises bring no good. We will have to become partisans. .

"A similar scenario was in the Crimea - the Navy base with 30 thousand military men on legal grounds. If foreign troops do not leave Belarus after exercises, there will be problems. Something shound be done now, otherwise it may be too late."

"We need to fight, not be indifferent, we need to take a stand against Putin's occupation, against any presence of foreign soldiers in Belarus. Lukashenka was the one who made the decision. He surrendered our culture and language. Workers wake up, young people make all kinds of bikers run away, they have no place in our country. People, we will win if we take the street and do not leave it until we win."

"The Lukashenka's regime is not eternal. Sooner or later it falls. And Lukashenka will be liable then."

"No one can stand aside when occupants are trying to become masters here! The Russians have already proved their "brotherhood" in Ukraine with their fascist actions, the war, murders of Ukrainians... We must clearly understand it to have an opportunity for a better life of our children and grandchildren."

"This regime, as well as its ruler, has run dry. We can't stand it anymore; it drives us to collapse of the Belarusian statehood, freedom, independence, neutrality."

"Analysis of the situation gives grounds for such a scenario: Georgia, Crimea, Donbas ... Who is next? And Belarus seems to them the easiest prey. We are peparing for aggression, and this is not a joke or a stupid dream. There is certainty - there will be help from fellow Ukrainians. And the most important thing is that the enemywill take a heavy strike on his teeth, because will defend our Motherland".

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