Narodnaya Hramada Supports Preventive Rally In Minsk

  • 14.08.2017, 12:13

The rally will start on Kastrychnitskaya Square of the capital on September 8 at 7 pm.

Mikalai Statkevich, the leader of the party and one of the leaders of the Belarusian National Congress, has reported about the decision of the Executive Bureau of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Narodnaya Hramada):

"The regular meeting of the BSDP Executive Bureau (Narodnaya Hramada) was attended by representatives of all regions of the country. The Bureau discussed the drafts of the new charter and the party program.

An appeal to the citizens of the country was adopted, as well as a statement on the repressions of the regime against the leaders of the REP trade union and democratic activists:

The Statement Of BSDP

Narodnaya Hramada protests against the politically motivated persecution of the REP union leaders and democratic activists. We demand to stop the repressions and to release head of the city REP trade union organization Ihar Komlik immediately.

Narodnaya Hramada supports the decision of the BNC Council to hold a protest rally on Kastrychnitskaya Square in Minsk on September 8 at 7 pm. We call on patriots to participate in the rally and believe that one of its demands should be to stop the repressions and to release Ihar Komlik.

Let's free Belarus from internal occupation and not let the external one! Power to the people! Long Live Belarus!"

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