Royal Palace Sold For $ 70 In Belarus

  • 19.07.2017, 10:37

The palace in Hrodna region is a copy of the Warsaw royal palace in Lazienki.

The palace in Zhemyslau, a historical and cultural monument of the 19th century, a copy of the Warsaw royal palace in Lazienki, goes under the hammer. The starting price is Br138, it's about $ 70, Belsat reports.

Together with the palace, the buyer will get two pharmaceutic laboratories, an economic building and the park that remembers the former owners, the counts of Umiastouski. Within a month, the new owner is required to sign security obligations, within three years, to develop design and estimate documentation for reconstruction and start business activities no later than 5 years after putting the complex into operation.

Now the palace is in a critical condition

Each year this condition is deteriorating noticeably, but the building can still be restored. A unique monument is located in a picturesque place on the shore of a large lake and the River Hauya. There is a park around the palace.

Until the 90s, the building housed the office of a local collective farm, a library, a post office, a club. Since 2006, the palace has been empty, and during this time the pieces of the interior have been dismantled and stolen. Several times there have been attempts to sell the historical monument in order to save it.

A lot of decor elements have remained in fairly good condition

For example, the tile of the XIX century. But the lack of a roof does its work.

The fire destroyed the roof in 2012 year. As a result, internal ceilings, interior decoration, parquet began to collapse after being affected by the rain. Cracks began to appear on the walls. Experts say that the reconstruction of such a palace can cost $ 3-7 million. However, this place has a great tourist potential.

"Maybe the Poles will come, it will be interesting for them to see a smaller copy of Lazenkovsky Palace. People who are tired of city fuss will come. People who want to plunge into noble life will come. Because here everything is so sublime and richly beautiful,"Alesia Hurskaya-Tabolich, a local woman, believes.

Even now tourists come here, despite the fact that the object is not advertised in any way.

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