Siarhei Strybulski: Would To God That "Patriots' Case" Collapsed

  • 28.06.2017, 11:11

The released patriot told why solidarity with political prisoners is important.

Siarhei Strybulski, who was released today, gave an interview to the Belsat TV channel.

Here we quote Siarhei:

– It was unexpected, I realized at once that this detention was, probably, somehow connected with Freedom Day. But when I was immediately brought to the KGB, I realized that something more serious was going on.

At the time of detention, I thought that the detention was preventive. I was thinking about my dog, which was left alone at home. In fact, I already knew what would happen next, that, most likely, there would be a search.

The fact is that I wasn’t such an outstanding activist. I took part in the observation over the elections. I just happened to stand there with a flag, and to take part in the rally near the KGB building. In my opinion, these are the common things that any ordinary citizens of their country should do.

I was quite weathered by that time. I used to go hiking. I sometimes used to sleep on the floor at home, I did it on purpose – as if preparing for something, I do not know. Therefore, the conditions were not extremely difficult for me. But prison is not a sanatorium.

Now there are still people there (in prison), we should take care of them. So first thing tomorrow I'm going there with care packages. I'm collecting my documents, passport, and then going there.

Would to God that the case collapsed. Because it will be disgusting, if people with national ideas are given sentences.

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