Kolya Passion

  • Svetlana Metelkina, Salidarnasts
  • 26.06.2017, 9:39

Mikalai is growing up, the country is standings still.

Now the boy is taller than his father, and we are all in the same coordinate system.

The country has completely learned how to adapt to the needs of a growing organism. Somehow Belarus turned into the country for Kolya. His father made such a decision, and we agreed without a sound.

Do you want to play soldiers? And the entire country marched in front of the boy wearing epaulettes of the commander-in-chief. Moreover, even leaders of neighboring states took part in the military games.

Do you want to play hockey? With the ice palaces which mushroomed, it's not a problem.

Speaking frankly, when Lukashenka mentioned that he and his son were in the habit to go to Russian sauna I had a fear that the entire country would turn into bath and laundry complexes. "When Kolya was a year old, I took him by the hand and led him to a Russian sauna. Of course, he complained and cried. But now, when he is four years old, he can withstand a temperature of about 100 degrees," Lukashenka told in an interview with The Financial Times and Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

Fortunately, it did not happen. This kind of relaxing was not appreciated by the boy.

Games are over, and the entire country goes to school with Kolya. Unexpectedly it turned out that school programs require an urgent review. It was easy to find out what lessons are hard for Kolya and his father to learn: "What is going on with mathematics and physics?" the father resented.

When Kolya was tired of studying - the country immediately paid for his trips to the sea as part of official delegations. And while other students continued to study physics and mathematics, the boy appeared on photographs of foreign media.

Kolya complained about the lack of sleep in the morning, and now the whole country does not sleep. This is about every sphere and issue. Speaking frankly, I am scared of thinking what is going to be next. University admissions process, fiancée parade?

Is Kolya to blame? Of course not. After all, we do choose our parents. Someone is lucky, someone is not. It also concerns the care of his father.

The only problem is that other children also have the right to a happy childhood and their parents could satisfy their needs but not the needs of one particular child in the country. And unless we come up with it and make the key addressee see this, this country will not belong to our children.

Svetlana Metelkina, Salidarnasts

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