Henadz Fyadynich: Discontent of the Working Class to Grow by the End of the Year

  • 26.05.2017, 14:20

The authorities again deceived the Belarusians with salaries.

In late May Belstat reported that salaries were "growing" for the second month in a row.

Henadz Fyadynich, Chairman of independent Trade Union of Radio and Electronic Industry (REP), told Salidarnasts about the situation in the labour market.

- There are a few reasons for such figyres, Henadz says. - There is a number of enterprises, for example, MTZ, where people are offered to work three hours more every third day. That is, you work on Saturday. Then you can earn 800 rubles instead of 600. So it turns out that the salary has increased, but only due to the fact that an employee works more.

In addition, according to the Trade Union's leader, Belarusian enterprises continue cuts, which also affects the statistics.

- When contracts expire, the management simply does not extend them, this is the way to fire pensioners. Moreover, it is not even considered a dismissal, when a person should be paid three average salaries, Henadz Fyadynich stresses.

As for talks about an average wage increase, the expert is sure that these plans will remain unrealized.

- When it comes to $500, everyone thinks of himself. Many people believe that conditions will be created so that a person can earn this money. They consider it is possible to do until the end of the year. And I believe that this will not happen. And it will cause only resentfulness among the vast majority of the working class. Especially in the regions. People will never see this money. Papers will be drawn up and this is all. And officials will report on their achievements. There is nothing to feel happy about.

According to the Trade Union's leader, the state should "maintain separate statistics on the average salary for a working man, a manager, and auxiliary workers":

- Then the situation with the salary increase will be clear. Conditions should be created. Now they report on the wage increase, but tomorrow it will fall again. It cannot be artificially increased. Salary must be earned.

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