Help Patriots’ Families

  • Nina Shydlouskaya
  • 16.05.2017, 11:05

Everyone can join the wave of the Belarusian solidarity.

Chairperson of the “Association of Belarusians of the World Batskaushchyna” Nina Shydlouskaya told Radio Racyja how people could help the “White Legion” case defendants:

“Some families were left without a breadwinner. These are wives with little children in rented apartments. It’s pretty obvious that it will be a marathon of the case, it won’t be resolved soon. Meanwhile, the families have to pack parcels, live, feed kids. I am appealing to everyone who can hear me: please don’t stop the material help to the families, as they cannot work it out by themselves, without our help, in the conditions of the psychological pressure from everywhere. There are no hopes for the quick resolving of the case so far.”

The former members of the organization “White Legion” are baselessly charged with creation of illegal armed groups. The authorities keep holding them in custody. To find out how to help their families please visit the page of the BY_help community.

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