Collapse Process Irreversible

  • 26.04.2017, 12:58

The dictatorship has no money.

Coordinator of European Belarus Jauhen Afnagel told in the interview with

- The dictator has failed to adequately perceive the situation in the country for many years. And his last moves show that he does not control it as well. It seems that his own counselors, Lukashenka's inner circle, are pushing him to the disaster.

Mass arrests throughout the country, actions of the authorities on the Freedom Day on 25 March, new criminal cases against public activists can still be written off as the spring freak out -Belarusians have become accustomed to it. But Lukashenka has recently delivered his address in the "Parliament. He could somehow ease the situation. Instead, we heard nonsense about the destabilization and militants who "go to the country from all directions", as well as threats against officials, countries of the West, and his own people. Today he is ringed by enemies.

-Lukashenka has promised to return the Soviet methods against spongers (that was a criminal article). Will this upset Belarusians even more?

-Every step of the authorities now get Belarusians angry, because the regime refuse to correct even the most obvious mistakes. Instead of reforms we have "do as I have taught," instead of revocation of the "decree on spongers" there is a promise to create labour camps.

Belarus now is in the condition the late Soviet Union had, when the collapse of the system is irreversible, when every month counts. A wiseless copy of that experience will only accelerate changes. "Freudian keyslips" about the collapse of the USSR and recognition about "we are exausted" were not accidental in the Lukashenka's speech.

- Can the rise of protests be possible, in the decree is finalized this way?

- Reasons for protests of this February-March are still acute. The regime has no money and no place to take them from. Prices are going to increase, and wages and pensions will fall. Cuts at enterprises will continue. A job which was promised to every Belarusian is still a fantasy. The number of people dissatisfied with the situation will grow. People have nothing to lose. They cannot be stopped.

So, protests will surely continue. People will get organized and take the streets. New leaders will apeear both in Minsk and in the regions. This spring the people has become the opposition of Lukashenka. Tens of thousands of Belarusians who have never taken part in opposition events felt their strength and the taste of freedom when they went on protest marches. And such feelings are unforgettable.

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