No One Can Stop Course Of History!

  • Maksim Vinyarski
  • 23.03.2017, 11:03

Patriots and citizens will not stop, and several others will come to replace each detainee.

Today's Facebook newsfeed reminds front-line reports. There an interrogation, here a search, there an arrest. Gray rats from power structures fuss, hiding their muzzles under their masks, almost paying no attention to how their actions look like and where they lead to. It looks like the water started to flood their holes. Perhaps they just feel a wave of people’s outrage that rolls across the country, and they are frantic with horror that now they will be swept away by the wrath of the people. In that case, they have chosen the wrong path, because those whom they are now grabbing are not intimidated by arrest, and the rest cannot be stopped.

Patriots and citizens will not stop, and several others will come to replace each detainee. Without even realizing it, they do not bring down the wave of protests, but only raise it and make it more radical. It can happen so, that those who won’t be satisfied with negotiations will come instead of people involved in enlightenment, politics and history, instead of supporters of non-violent resistance.

The crazy "rat king" from under Shklou risks again of running into the same trap as before. Horror has never led to anything good. While us, those who remained free, bear a double responsibility for ensuring that the Freedom Day passed peacefully and dignifiedly, in accordance with the plan of the Belarusian National Congress. Therefore, according to the plan we should gather near the Academy of Sciences at 2 pm on 25 March. The route of the march - from the Academy of Sciences to Independence Square, along Independence Avenue. And at 12 o'clock on March 26 go to the main squares of your cities.

Remember, not only our future, but the fate of our country depends on us. And as for the terrified dictator, he cannot stop the course of history!

Maksim Vinyarski, Facebook

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