Participant Of Slonim Action: Those Who Prayed To Him As To Icon, Now Ask People For Forgiveness

  • 20.03.2017, 14:01

The former Lukashenka’s electorate take to the streets.

“The mayor does not decide anything, everything is decided at the top. Lukashenka has been making decisions about everything for 23 years already. And where have his decisions led so far? To the point when crowds of people began to take to the streets in different cities. People cannot live in such conditions. We can see it yourself today, we adopted the resolution, I hope the local authorities will have enough conscience to transfer it to the top. Everything becomes more expensive, wages are reduced, people are forced to go on leave. Such situation is not only in Slonim, but also in other cities of Belarus. If the authorities do not listen, the people will run out of patience. They have been patient for 23 years, enough is enough! From the very beginning he was still trusted, but now look. Those who voted for him, say they are sorry. And these are those who prayed to his portrait as to an icon! They ask their children and grandchildren for forgiveness. Even among my acquaintances there are those who voted for him with both hands some time ago and who now say that they were very mistaken,” – a participant of the action in Slonim told.

The website broadcasted Slonim action online.

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