"Lukashenka – parasite" and booed "senator" Marzalyuk

  • 16.03.2017, 11:05

It was really hot at the Marches of Non-Parasites on March 15.

It was clear that people are seriously angry at the authorities, Salidarnasts writes.

People were not particularly shy in their expressions when criticizing the regime.

– You choose yourself? Get the fuck out of here! – residents of cultural Hrodna voiced their wishes.

There was no fear. When a drone was hanging over the participants of the action, people began to chant right to it: "No to Decree No. 3! Lukashenko, go away! "

Representatives of the local administration (in Hrodna) and even "senator" Marzalyuk (in Mahilyou) were sent to the protesters as "heavy artillery". One can judge people's trust in power by the fact that out of 800 people only 4 accepted the invitation of the officials and went to the assembly hall to talk with them. And one can judge how the regime treats people by the senator's "Shut up!" addressed to a protester.

All-in-all, there was no mutual understanding.

– If you are such patriots, think what you are doing. You want the loss of territorial integrity? – Marzalyuk was saying to the crowd.

– Where are our salaries? – the citizens responded.

Here are a couple of other curious quotes that sounded yesterday at the marches:

– I elected him, the parasite, in 1994. He deceived me! – a retired woman said with indignation in Minsk.

– No matter what state institution you go to, you'll see a police officer sitting there, – a Hrodna dweller noted, and the crowd supported him with the chorus: "Useless mouths!"

– Let him (Marzalyuk) announce his salary! Where is our $ 500 promised by the ruler? Marzalyuk eats meat balls and will get some more pork chops in addition! And I eat only cabbage! Let the "deputy" answer, where to find a job! – Mahilyou dwellers shouted.

The participants performed visual agitation in a creative way as well.

And though many posters were written by hand, the words came just out of the hearts: "Lukashenka, stop ripping raisins out of my roll!", "Don't take care of eggs - take care of the economy!", "How much does the president cost to a Belarusian?", "He took them from the abyss to the desperation".

There were other equally memorable moments. For example, the participants of the action in Minsk prevented the Russian television from filming, shouting "Shame!" in Belarusian language.

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