Lukashenka Has No Money To Maintain Officials

  • 6.02.2017, 16:46

Massive cuts to the federal workforce are awaiting Belarus.

Discussions about possible "optimization" of Lukashenka's administration appeared in the second half of last year. However, the majority of experts considered those statements to be only a gallery play, Salidarnasts writes.

Now it seems that the Belarusian dictator has really decided to cut his staff – and, quite seriously.

According to Head of Administration Natallia Kachanava, it has been decided to cut "about 30% of civil servants", who work in the institution. As a result, only 108 employees of the public body will retain their work.

Why has Lukashenka decided to take this step?

– The reason for this decision is simple: he has no money left, – political commentator Valery Karbalevich noted in his express - comment. – The country is in a crisis, so there is not enough money to maintain such a large number of officials.

According to the expert, the wave of cuts will affect not only employees of Lukashenka's administration, but of other government bodies as well:

– This so-called optimization relates even to the MIA. This alone shows that the situation is complicated. The reduction starts with the central authorities – the administration of Lukashenka and the government, and then goes over the whole vertical chain down.

Valery Karbalevich agrees that the rate of 30% can become a kind of marker for the further reduction of state employees – including those in the regions.

– Despite the fact that combined positions, vacancies, and people of retirement age will be phased out first, – the expert has predicted.

It interesting, that earlier Lukashenka banned to forward complaints to his name to local authorities.

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