Stanislau Shushkevich: I Admire Belarusians Who Come Out To Street

  • 22.02.2017, 14:05

The February Marches in Minsk and in the regions scared the authorities.

Stanislau Shushkevich, the first leader of the independent Belarus, who signed the Bialovezha agreements on behalf of our country, has told the about the mass protest actions which passed in Belarus, and addressed to the Belarusian citizens in the view of the upcoming action of March 25.

- What is your impression about the Outraged Belarusians’ Marches in Minsk and in the regions?

- I admire the fact that the people did come out to the streets. It is especially delightful that not only the capital reacted to this anti-constitutional decree, but the regions also. Unfortunately, I broke my leg and couldn’t participate in these events personally, but I monitored everything that happened through the media. I think that our government just cannot put themselves together and admit it was a stupid decree which needs to be abolished. And then again, some hideous suggestions come along, like to make people pay for medical care instead of the tax. However, these scums who are at power today don’t understand that it contradicts the norms of the Constitution. These protests scared and steered the authorities, and I am very glad because of that.

- In your opinion, why were there more people participating in this action than in the last years after 2010?

- The answer is obvious. The “social parasites” decree affects the poor. It shows that there are more poor people than all the rest in our country. Who came out to these actions? The so-called “social parasites” and the people with similar financial situation, who support them. These actions demonstrate the impoverishment of the people.

- 90% Belarusians boycotted the scandalous Decree, what does it tell about?

- It shows the stupidity and incompetence of our government.

They are not just unreasonable, they are stupid. Real economists, when they seek for the opportunities to fill the budget, look for money in places where the money exists. At rich people’s, if we speak about internal investments. If we speak about foreign investments, there is a need to search in rich countries. Still, Lukashenka goes to Egypt and Sudan asking for pocket money.

- Mikalai Statkevich said that the slogan “Long Live Belarus!” was becoming a social one in the light of the recent events, do you agree with that?

- I think that enlightening and educating people bring results. Young people understand the need to organize the opposition to the authorities in this field. We do not have anyone to ask for support. We need to act in the Belarusian way. To know our language, to support the struggle for the independence of Belarus. All prominent politicians stand for this approach. This decree has brought the awareness that the independent Belarus will be able to provide its citizens with a decent living. Independence, not the dancing attendance to Russia, which our ruler demonstrates by going to Sochi to have a cup of tea with Putin somewhere, neglecting everything that is happening in the country. This slogan remains a demonstration of the fact that we need to be independent and not fawn before the eastern neighbor.

- What would you like to tell Belarusians before the March 25 action?

- I want to thank all of you that you understand the processes happening in the country and actively participate thereof. Unfortunately, I cannot be with you, but as soon as my leg heals – I will be there.

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