Baranavichy "Deputy" Was Scared of Angry Belarusians

  • 22.02.2017, 9:15

Tens of people came to the Executive Committee (EC) with the requirement to revoke the decree on "parasitism".

February 21, about thirty people gathered near the Baranavichy EC they addressed ti "deputy" Tatstsiana Yakubovich with the requirement to initiate the abolition Decree No. 3.

Father and son Charnavus were allowed to the EC together with other people. Mikalai Charnavus, Jr. tried to enter the office of Tatstsiana Yakubovich, but he was told she was busy, writes.

Activists waited on her for 40 minutes. They prepared the address with the requirement to initiate the abolition Decree No. 3, payback money of "spongers" and to account to voters for steps taken.

When Charnavus Jr. got into the office of Yakubovich, she refused to accept activists and citizens referred to the fact that it could be done only by appointment. The "deputy" offered Charnavus to make an appointment right there and he did it.

After that Charnavus Jr. said:

- We have failed to meet with Yakubovich today. I doubt that we can do it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Unfortunately, we are not welcomed together to discuss acute problems. I don't know whether the time comes when politicians will face us.

People who got a notice to pay the duty came to support activists.

- I cannot find a job for a year already. I have three higher educations and the working experience. I would work with pleasure, but there is no job, a city resident Maryna Zavistovich told.

- I wonder why the authorities mock people. Why should parents "redeem" their own children? I got the "letter of happiness". In 2015 I paid 21 ruble for craftsmanship. I failed to comply with time limits, but I did it. As a result, I turned to become a "jobless" and now I have to pay one more time. But I paid money! No one paid it back. I tried to prove that my situation falls under "difficult life situation", collected all the documents, but got a refusal. They decided that I could pay. I have no income and I will have to ask my parents-pensioners to help me, Alena Kryvasheya resented.

Siarhei Kutskin was on the March of Angry Belarusians in Minsk. He came to support Baranavichy activists as well.

- My father and me are not able to find a job. He has three professions, but there is no job in the city. We follow vacancies, but agencies requiring payments have the most relevant vacancies or ones in Moscow. I don't want to work abroad. I'd like to stay at home. And this decree makes young people leave because there are no opportunities to get a job," Siarhei Kutskin explains.

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