IT In Country With Cryptophilous Economy

  • Mikalai Halka
  • 12.12.2017, 9:08

The draft decree “On the development of digital economy” was discussed in the Palace of Independence.

During the session, Lukashenka addressed to the representatives of the IT-business, having stressed that “Belarus shoud use the opportunities for the development of the digital economy to the uttermost”. The IT-businessmen shared their expectations later. For instance, Viktar Prakapenia, speaking about the results of the session, noted that the “very liberal” variant of the Decree would be inked by the end of the year. Meanwhile, director of the High Technologies Park Usevalad Yancheuski called the soon-to-come Decree a “revolution”.

Prakapenia posted a message with the triple “Hooray!” on the net. I do not want to mix tar with honey, but I involuntarily recalled the biblical words: “Before the rooster crow twice, you will deny Me three times.” The Decree has not yet been signed, but the propaganda has switched its tumblers on the brainwashing regime. “$500 for everyone” failed. And here comes a congress of scientists, the Year of Science is coming to an end. What remains, except that “we will turn Belarus into an IT country”?

Prakapenia, by the way, lives and works in London. And the British queen does not need to hold meetings on topical issues of the economy. The well-known BRYU member Yancheuski glitters with joy: the expected decree is revolutionary!

Aren’t you not a little too quick to rejoice, ladies and gentlemen? Don’t we have kilometers of good laws, written on paper, approved by the mannequins nicknamed "deputies"? Much is nullified by the implementers of those laws, beginning with the holy norms of the Constitution. And the propagandists immediately began to say that we are already ahead of many of the prime-countries in the digital economy. Aha, in a country where the majority of the population exists in the sphere of the economy close to the cryptophilious one!

High, fruitful, effective creativity is possible only in the midst of real freedom. Rocket engines were made in fly-by-nights, behind bars. But, as a result, what is done by intellectual slaves more often flops into the ocean, and no one is surprised that Russia, the flagship of the post-Soviet capitalist Bolshevism, has lagged behind the world leaders forever in many progressive technologies. What can we say about our country, where the NKVD's uniform and the metal statue of the tsar policeman were elected banners of freedom.

Mikalai Halka, Facebook

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