Activist From Mahiliou: Struggle That We Started Brings Results

  • 11.12.2017, 16:40

Residents of Mahiliou do not allow to build a Chinese factory of fireworks in the city.

No decisions on the construction of an enterprise for the production of pyrotechnic products at the territory of the Mahiliou region were approved. This is the answer to the collective appeal of the inhabitants of the Mahiliou region from the regional executive committee.

The construction of the fireworks plant was loudly announced on the state television. "It remains only to pick up a working platform and agree on working conditions - it was said in the news on September 13, 2017 - and the approval from the authorities of the Mahiliou region has already been received."

"We did not agree with this prospect, and started collecting signatures against the construction of such a plant," - head of the Mahiliou regional UCP organization Uladzimir Shantsau told - Of course, there were conts and pros here. 2000 new jobs for us, where there is terrible unemployment, at least some revenues to the budget, - some people said.

We had other considerations. The wages at similar enterprises in China are low, because it is manual unskilled labor. And the prospect of construction of an enterprise, where employees will receive $ 150-200 - this is not what we need.

In addition, the enterprise is particularly dangerous, and we are against the fact that the people of Mahiliou, having found nothing suitable, would go to work on a powder keg for a very low salary.

And it's not for nothing that there are no such factories in Europe!

In the end, we did not want our country to become a backward colony of China.

The collection of signatures showed that we are right, that the majority stand against the construction.

The campaign that we started in the independent media, plus the protest of the population, had its effect. The decision on construction is not accepted.

The Chinese side, we will think, also made conclusions.

And we keep this issue under control."

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