Brother Luigi: KGB Came To Our Prayer And Seized Bible

  • 20.11.2017, 9:09

A unique shelter has been helping people in Shchuchyn district for 6 years already.

Brother Luigi, who has been helping the poor in the shelter he created in the village of Aliaksandrauka (Shchuchyn district) for 6 years, has told Belsat how he has come to believe:

"This present time, people have found a cure for tuberculosis, AIDS, we have created medicine for any illness, but if a man is not needed by anyone, then this is a terrible disease, and I'm afraid it is incurable.

Now my name is Brother Luigi.

I used to work in the ambulance service and sell drugs. I was sentenced to three years in prison. Every Sunday, a priest came to the prison. When I started to go there, I felt that my duty was to minister to the poor. After the prison, some faithful people helped me with money, and I bought a house in the village and turned it into a House of Mercy.

I could see the people, who were just lying around bus stops, the railway station, on scrapheaps, and nobody took any notice of them, no one cared. I believe that God calls me to help these people, because we must love and host everyone, as God is in all of us.

During these 6 years, about 250 people passed through the house, and 13 people died in my arms.

We are not financed by the church, we do not have any bank accounts, we rely entirely on God's holy providence, we trust in God.

When the authorities came here, they saw 30 people.

The KGB came to our prayer, and then they took our Christian literature away. The Bibles, our prayer books, rosaries ... Everything was taken for an examination!

They announced on the Shchuchyn radio’s air that we are a sect. Thanks to the TV channel Belsat, which showed us, and due to the public reaction the case was closed. One must pray for them – for that chairman, for those policemen – and so I pray!"

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