Uladzimir Kondrus: I Will Keep A Page Or A Blog In The Internet

  • 16.01.2017, 8:16

The last person involved in the events of the Square 2010 spoke about his future plans.

The participant of the Square 2010 Uladzimir Kondrus, who has been recently released, told to the website what he was occupied with after the release.

– I have been staying at home all the time after I have come here, – Uladzimir says. – There are certain restrictions when you are sentenced to liberty limitation, but the district police officer came only once. And even then, he talked to my father, because I had no desire to have any conversations with the police. Frankly speaking, I still can't understand why the security forces have become interested in me as many as six years later.

– Have you found any job?

–Not yet, but I think that I will find something in the Internet. Maybe I will start a page or a blog.

– Have the relatives, friends and neighbors changed their attitude towards you?

– Many have expressed their support towards me after my return home. While some are looking down at me and try to avoid me. This reminds me of the 30th years sometimes, when Stalin's stripe hounds detained someone and later people were afraid to approach his relatives. Because he was an enemy of the people! Maybe, there are not so many such people today, but they still exist.

– What else have you been involved with after the release?

– I visited Minsk and returned my belongings, which were seized after the arrest – my notebook, clothes... Besides that, I am improving my health, because the hunger strike has affected it. I attend a gym. In general, I am rapidly gaining weight after the release – I have gained about 5 kilos over the last time.

– Do you have to attend a psychiatrist?

– Maybe, because we know the results of the so-called psychological and psychiatric examination. Frankly speaking, I don't know what kind of supervision it will be. And I didn't attend the police to get registered. And I am not going to do it.

We remind that the trial of the resident of the village Rudensk Uladzimir Kondrus, who was tried for "participation in mass disorders" almost six years after the events of December 2010, was started on 16 November.

Human rights activists have recognized him a political prisoner one day before the trial.

After Kondrus had tried to open his veins in the courtroom, it was decided to send him for the complex psychological and psychiatric examination. After the examination Kondrus was recognized to have a "paranoid personality disorder".

As a result, the court decided to punish Uladzimir Kondrus with suspended sentence – 1.5 years of liberty limitation. Now he is at home, in the Rudensk settlement.

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