Homel Region Dwellers Started Struggle Against Decree On "Social Parasitism"

  • 10.01.2017, 14:22

Citizens, whom tax officers labeled as "social parasites" have appealed against the collection of money.

Unemployed of Homel region will appeal against the Decree №3 "On social dependency." Citizens, labeled by tax officers as "social parasites", have begun to challenge the basis for the collection of money, Radio Racyja reports.

Kalinkovichy dweller Dzianis Rabenak have not been able to find work in his hometown for several years because of his active political life.

– I visited the Head of Kalinkovichsky Tax Inspection.

I did not manage to find out what expenses the state incurred to maintain me in 2015, and for what reason I have to pay it 360 rubles as a "parasite".

REP Trade Union Legal Inspector Leanid Sudalenka has already helped 20 Homel region residents to draw up protest statements to the tax inspection.

– When people ask me how to avoid the tax, I say that there are two ways. The first one is to pay it off and clean forget it, find a job or become a craftsman, or work anywhere else. The second way is to serve 15 days in prison, and then go to prove that the government forced you to work, which is banned by international agreements. There are no other ways. Lukashenka recently said that was not going to cancel the decree. That is, this decree will remain in force.

The decree №3 on "Social Parasites" was signed by Lukashenka in early April 2015. Human rights activists state that the practice of forced labor, contrary to the Constitution, was introduced in Belarus with the commencement of the decree №3.

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