Olympic Champion: Average Salary Amounts To Br 7 Million? We Have Less Together With My Wife!

  • 2.08.2016, 10:52

Ihar Makarau has shared his opinion about the information about an average salary in Belarus, and told about the decline of the Belarusian judo.

“I read the article, it says the average salary of a Belarusian amounts to Br 7 million, or Bn 7 200 (denominated money). We have less together with my wife! How come a statistically average Belarusian citizen has so much?

I want to move this machine – the Belarusian judo – from the spot. I want to found some traditions and leave something after myself.

The decline of judo feels very harsh today. No one really wants to revive the sport. Or maybe just can’t. There are enthusiasts who try to do something. But the majority do nothing. We need to change the structure and the system of judo. I keep screaming this out every step of the way. In such case, enthusiasts will come themselves.

If we fail to teach our kids now, then… If today it’s two people who go to the Olympics, next time it will be no one. And then we will be like Zimbabwe, getting some sort of green-cards,” – Nasha Niva quotes Ihar Makarau.

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