Natallia Radzina: Sheremet’s Murder Contractors Could Be From Anywhere, Including Minsk

  • 20.07.2016, 12:19

Pavel was always successful in all his projects and always annoyed those who had something to hide.

The chief editor of Natallia Radzina stated that, commenting on the Belarusian journalist Pavel Sheremet’s murder in Kiev:

– Pavel deserves to be called a Belarusian-Russian-Ukrainian journalist.

He was famous in all the three countries: he started his career in Belarus, working in the independent media, became Lukashenka’s personal enemy (he liked calling himself this way and it was true), he was jailed as an ORT correspondent, after he was released he moved to Russia, and when they started cracking down there, he moved to Kiev to work.

He was very intelligent and professional, so he quickly became a success there.

He annoyed a lot of people in Belarus, in Russia, in Ukraine, because he was straightforward, had no scruples about choosing epithets, he used to put on labels and decorticate. But he was always interesting. He was never a bore.

We often had different views, we used to argue with him for rasp, but he was always the first to make it up. And you couldn’t be angry with him for long, because he had an overwhelming charm.

I don’t know who killed him. But the murder contractor could be from anywhere, including Minsk.

His colleague, the ORT camera man Dzmitry Zavadski was kidnapped in Belarus. As for me, after the death of the founder of the website Aleh Byabenin, staged as a suicide, I don’t believe in any criminal versions of journalists’ deaths. In our countries, journalists are killed for their words.

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