Mikalai Autukhovich Creates Sole Traders Union

  • 28.06.2016, 16:25

The former political prisoner wants to create a trade union, which “would really protect sole traders’ rights.”

Mikalai Autukhovich confirmed to Radio Svaboda that he left his job in Vaukavysk taxi company, which he had founded.

He explained that numerous inspections and repressions that had recently been imposed on the company were related to his name. Therefore he left.

Now most of the time Mikalai Autukhovich spends in Minsk and is busy with developing the Belarusian trade union of sole traders “Salidarnasts:”

“We have to assemble 500 founders. Now I am engaged in organizational work. The process is difficult, because a lot of people are afraid to enter, saying that if we manage to assemble the right amount, then they’ll join, too.”

Autukhovich believes that eventually there will be the required amount of founders. According to the activist, now there is no trade union in Belarus, which would truly protect sole traders’ rights, and this kind of support is needed today as never before:

“Now sole traders are waiting for inspections to start at the markets on July 1. People do not know what to expect. They are afraid to lose what they have. Therefore, in addition to the trade union creation, we collect signatures for the abolition of the Decree № 222.”

So far, according to Autukhovich, the project is largely based on enthusiasm, but there’s no other way to create a trade union.

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