Barauliany Inhabitants Fined For Non-Participation in Community Clean-Up Day

  • 19.05.2016, 14:34

Br 105K was added to the rent bills for April, because the people failed to participate in the community clean-up day, or the so-called “subbotnik”.

The spring-time community clean-up days hurtled down the city: those who wanted to make their input to the “cleaning up” of the city and the territory adjusted to residential buildings, actually did it. Others just need to be content that the community clean-up days remain voluntary in our country so far. An inhabitant of a house in Barauliany is surprised that the mass cleaning-up turned out to be an obligation to him, and that he must pay the fine if he refuses, writes.

Dwellers of the multi-storeyed residential building of the consumers' housing construction cooperative “Spring-2005” have come across a similar problem recently. They were surprised with a quite aggressive ad regarding the regular mass clean-up “If you don’t want to participate in community clean-up day – move!”, “If you don’t want to work – pay! There’s no other option”, — the leaflet said. The head of the managing executive committee clarified then that the ad was just a joke and no one would be forced to take a broom or to transfer money.

However, the fine for not coming to the “subbotnik” turned out to be real for the housing construction cooperative “Barauliany-1”. An inhabitant of the house in Pershamaiskaya Street, 50 received the rent bill with a separately indicated item — “Community clean-up day of the housing construction cooperative “Barauliany-1 – Br 105 thousand”.

— I have serious doubts about legality of such actions, — Siarhei says, — Especially because the community clean-up day was held on Friday, 16.30. I presume this might be done on purpose, to “fine” as many dwellers as possible and collect a rather big sum of money from them this way.”

We addressed to the cooperative managing executive committee in order to clarify the situation.

— According to the Housing Code of the Republic of Belarus, the decision of the common assembly is considered basic, — the head of the committee replied. — The common assembly dedicated to the community clean-up day issue is organized annually. “Subbotnik” is usually announced early, the people are offered to take part in it beforehand if someone can’t make it on the actual day. Failure to come means they sort of confirm their consent to pay 0,5 base fees. We report to the rural council about the community clean-up day.

According to the cooperative managing executive committee’s head, such system has been in force since 2009.

— It is considered that a person agrees to pay if he doesn’t participate in the community clean-up day. The money will go for paints and other materials for conducting another “subbotnik”.

As for the inhabitants of multi-apartment residential buildings on the balance of the housing maintenance services, the peculiar fine for failure to participate in the mass clean-up turned out something unusual. This can be easily explained: “The housing maintenance services have incomes, while the housing construction co-operative doesn’t.”

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