Lukashenka As Buridan’s Ass

  • Konstantin Borovoi
  • 3.02.2016, 12:14

I hope that no one thinks that I want to insult a respected dictator Aliaksandr Lukashenka by placing his name beside the problem of a well-known philosopher, doesn’t he?

Batska [The Father] has been begging in Sochi for two weeks already, but he does not agree for the air base. Good job! He won’t be able to go hiding there, as he understands.

He needs just two or three billions, in order to stay afloat until the moment when he would have to agree to the conditions of the European Union and the IMF – there would be no one to ask then, probably. The clock is ticking away the last moments of the bliss of unlimited power for Putin himself.

There are only two variants, exactly like Buridan’s Ass has:

1. To agree to the rough conditions of the European Union and the IMF.

It is quite risky. Collective farmers can rebel. And it is worrying to leave the KGB without pay as well. They won’t revolt – they could simply strangle or pour some polonium.

Besides, Europeans demand something strange related to the elections.

One could try to arrest oppositionists, and then release them for money – but Europeans have got wiser – they won’t buy into a dummy anymore.

But there is an obvious advantage. When it will START in Putin’s land, we, Belarusians, would have nothing to do with it, so to speak.

And there would be several years more left. And then, either an ass would die (it’s a different ass), or… sweet Marine Le Pen is to come to power. The rascal spared no expenses on her and paid billions!

2. To wait until Putin arrives to Sochi, and submit to his terms.

It’s a good variant. However, now the cost of every Putin’s billion is much higher – they are lacking money themselves.

How much better the situation was previously…

And now for these lousy several billions he is to be demanded to express his stance on Ukraine, on Syria, and on sanctions. And allow deploying the airbase. And what won’t he think of next. What a miser, in one word.

But then, no talks about elections and about his kindred blood, his son Mikalai.

There is only one disadvantage – when it will START in Putin’s country, one would be unable to get off. Then they would be transported to the Hague together. And he prefers not do that.

One could certainly try to get billions, and then start the talks with the European Union immediately, and to give a press-conference about disagreement with the tyrant.

But it is unlikely to work out, as the tyrant has become too greedy, such a pinchpenny, and would rather hang himself for a wretched billion.

So, comrades, that’s how it is hard to be independent between Europe and Russia, between Sochi and Warsaw.

Konstantin Borovoi, Echo of Moscow

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