Aliaksandr Dabravolski: Protest Rallies Are Only Way To Become Reckoned With

  • 11.02.2016, 16:49

Sole traders should show solidarity and demand the authorities to show respect to them.

This opinion has been expressed to website by a member of the political council of the United Civil Party Aliaksandr Dabravolski.

— How could you comment on the current sole traders’ protests situation?

— To my mind, the problem here is not that such a decree had been issued, and it should be corrected. The problem is that the country top leadership views economic initiative and entrepreneurs their personal enemies, and those who should be eradicated to a maximum.

I recall how they were called lousy fleas, and how they were called bandits recently – nothing has changed in fact. And as long as the attitude of the authorities remains unchanged – nothing is going to change.

It is low conduct. It’s unacceptable to treat one’s own citizens like this. We have already heard the same words addressed to other groups of citizens as well. And when a person has no political culture and culture of communications, what else could be expected from such highest-level leaders?

Our country has no other assets or riches, which could be used for growth in prosperity, like resource-producing countries – no oil or other natural resources. The only assets we have are people. And the only source of their development is their initiative. That is why the authorities’ behaviour is very stupid.

Sole traders, who do not understand that, are in fact creating conditions for being humiliated. I think that there is no other way except public protests to make the authorities respect them. And all these inconsistent moves – first they act in one way, than in another – are an illustration that their approach is not serious, and maybe even a sign of being intimidated. It’s really a pity that there so little people who are ready to show their sense of human worth and stand upon their rights. I think that there is no other way, and only this way would be effective way to change something.

— Could it be understood in such a way that together with sole traders you are going to join (the protest rally on February 15?

— Unfortunately, I am going to be abroad on this day, but if I return, I am going to participate in this rally. It’s not concrete sole traders with concrete names, but it’s the only opportunity for development – it’s a support to an initiative. The authorities are engaged in suppression of initiative, and not only small businessmen’s initiative, so we should show solidarity.

I think that many of my fellow-thinkers are going to join this rally anyway.

— As a member of the Political council of the United Civil Party, could you say that the party is to support sole traders?

— Surely. The United Civil Party supports sole traders and it has been always supporting them. And our platforms and programmes have always had proposals aimed at support of sole traders’ initiative and the people who exercise initiative. But in this case, the party was not only taking some decisions, but also organised support to sole traders.

The leader of the party (Anatol Liabedzka had already organized such a rally of support, and I think that we are going to continue supporting and participating such activities.

— How many people will come to Kastrychnitskaya Square on February 15?

— I do not know, I cannot say. Situations could be different. Recently many people are intimidated, but I think that when one is brought to bay, one has to fight. And maybe some of those men, who are saying one thing today, and the other thing tomorrow, will recall that they should act like men. Then everything will change.

— What is your evaluation of the fact that (Perspektiva recalled the application for holding the rally on February 15?

— I have two possible explanations. Either they have some illusions, then I do not understand where these illusions could come from. Or they are possibly intimidated. In either case it seems to me that it is a sign that it is not a serious approach.

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