We Will Return Power To People

  • Mikalai Statkevich
  • 16.11.2016, 11:14

The rally devoted to 20th anniversary of the anti-constitutional coup starts at 18.00.

The leader of the Belarusian opposition and ex-candidate for presidential elections - 2010 Mikalai Statkevich wrote about this on Facebook, commenting on the trial of Uladzimir Kondrus.

"Reprisal of criminals against an honest man for his attempt to stop their crimes – that's how I see the trial of the last prisoner of Square-2010 Uladzimir Kondrus.

20 years ago, as a result of the anti-constitutional coup Belarus was deprived the legitimate parliament. In July 1999, the current "president" illegally extended his stay at the post for another 2.5 years after his five-year presidential term had completed, and thus he completely lost the legitimacy. He called the consultative "referendum" of November 24, 1996, which falsified results have not been approved by the Parliament, a basis for a gross violation of the Constitution.

Retaining of state power by unconstitutional means is a particularly grave crime and shall be punished in accordance with the Criminal Code with a minimum of 10 years in prison. Maximum – with the death penalty. (Art. 357 of the Criminal Code of Belarus).

This crime is periodically repeated - on the basis of rigged "elections" which are held by election commissions designated by the illegitimate "president" by the rules adopted by the illegitimate "parliament".

On December 19, 2010, Uladzimir Kondrus, together with tens of thousands of Belarusians, tried to prevent the next act of crime. His actions were entirely legal, since a citizen has the right to even cause some harm in order to prevent a more dangerous crime (Art. 36 of the Criminal Code). A broken glass is a trifle compared to the criminal seizure of state power for another 5 years, with murdering and imprisoning of the regime’s opponents, to the treason against the state and embezzlement of billions of dollars.

On November 24, on the day of the 20th anniversary of the anti-constitutional coup, a rally to protest against the dictatorship and demand the returning of the stolen power to the people will be held at 18.00 at the Freedom square in Minsk.

Freedom to Uladzimir Kondrus!

Freedom to all the political prisoners!"

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