Niakliaeu: Why didn't I struggle against Dzmitryeu? What can I alone do against secret services?

  • 28.08.2015, 15:13

Uladzimir Niakliaeu harshly criticised the head of Tell the Truth civil campaign.

The politician made this statement at a press conference of democratic forces leaders that was held in Minsk today, Radio Svaboda reports.

“People often reproach me and say that I didn't do all I could, that I didn't struggle against my former colleagues, against Dzmitryeu, against those who have settled in Tell the Truth,” Uladzimir Niakliaeu said. “What can I alone do against secret services? What I could do is only quit.”

Uladzimir Niakliaeu was brutally beaten by the riot police on 19 December 2010 and taken to hospital. He was kidnapped from the intensive therapy unit by men in plain clothes before the eyes of his wife. Andrei Dzmitryeu, then Uladzimir Niakliaeu's campaign manager, gave an interview to Belarusian television in early hours of December 20 after the dispersal of the rally against the rigged presidential elections. He thanked the police for their actions during the attack and said demonstrators were to be blamed for the incident.

Uladzimir Niakliaeu said on April 8, 2015, that he left the post of the chairman of Tell the Truth and quit the campaign. Andrei Dzmitryeu became a new head of the campaign.

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