Henadz Fiadynich: The situation to become inflammable after presidential elections

  • 3.06.2015, 9:52

The government is among those who build up pressure in the country.

Henadz Fiadynich, the Chairman of the REP, is drawing a parallel between present economic situation and the 90s of the last century, Salidarnasts writes.

- That time Crystal paid in kind and wives met their husbands back from job. Such payment system was insecure for family budget. God forbid, if today an alcohol plant begins paying out salary in kind! he says, commenting on the situation with salaries.

According to Fiadynich, the government is among those who build up pressure in the country, something like you'd better hold on to your work place, you won't find another. Meanwhile, nothing is being done to create new jobs.

- People do not yet speak out their discontent. Only those complain who work for Br2.5 million per month, an interlocutor emphasizes. - I don't think that the immediate countrywide burst of rebellions is possible. My forecast is as follows: the situation in Belarus will become inflammable after presidential elections.

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