Henadz Fiadynich: “We have never had such Labour Day for 20 years of Lukashenka's rule”

  • 28.04.2015, 17:03

Belarusian workers think how to survive paycheck to paycheck.

Salidarnasts talked to trade union leader Henadz Fiadynich ahead of Labour Day on May 1 to learn how the Belarusians will mark the holiday.

“I'd like to note that May 1 is the International Workers' Day. It is marked in Belarus as Labour Day. We can hardly say that labour is holiday for people today. Firstly, people don't have work with decent wages. They think how to survive paycheck to paycheck. I can say honestly that we have never had such Labour Day for all years of Lukashenka's rule,” Henadz Fiadynich, the leader of the Belarusian Electronics Trade Union, says.

He notes that the situation in the economy looks like a dead end:

“We don't see a way out so far. People don't hear: 'We have a way out. You need to work hard, and you will live better in three or six months'. Nobody says it. There's no certainty.”

Henadz Fiadynich spoke about peculiarities of Labour Day this year. According to him, it was decided not to hold demonstrations in Belarus, though traditional rallies will be organised across the world:

“The Belarusian Trade Union Federation decided to congratulate family duets and trios working at the same plant. Of course, people deserve it, but it should be done on Labour Day.”

The trade union leader thinks every working Belarusian should say in public about his problems on May 1. If the authorities listened to people's opinions, they would give people such an opportunity:

“Workers must speak loud what they prepare for and what the state can expect. Unfortunately, the authorities do only what they find necessary.”

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