Siarhei Mikhalok: Struggling against totalitarianism and dirty authorities is our ultimate goal

  • 18.03.2015, 15:25

BRUTTO band plans to play concerts in Warsaw, Krakow and Prague. learnt it from tour managers.

“BRUTTO sets special prices for Belarusian and Ukrainian students for concerts in Warsaw, Krakow and Prague! Show your student card at the entrance and get a ticket for 10 euro! BRUTTO is a brother for students, not a ticket tout! A 50% discount for a student card!” a press release says.

The band's performance is more than just a concert.

“This is struggling against laziness, strengthening your confidence and breaking your inner fetters. This is the music for freedom struggle! Not for the ephemeral spiritual freedom, but for the real freedom of choosing your future yourself,” concert managers say.

They notice that the song Warriors of Light became an anthem of the Euromaidan protests and united thousands of people during the events that impressed the world.

“My songs Not to be Cattle, Rabcor, Battleship, Play, Warriors of Light could be heard on the barricades and I hope they helped people a little to win! Belarusians and I were there! Some of them died for freedom of our Ukrainian brothers! Struggling against totalitarianism and dirty authorities is our ultimate goal and the main topic of our musical resistance,” BRUTTO leader Siarhei Mikhalok said.

BRUTTO played concerts in more than 20 towns across Ukraine in February and March. Tickets for many concerts of the extremely successful tour were sold out several days before the show. Fans knew songs by heart and sang them in Russian, English and Belarusian. More than 30,000 people visited the concerts during the tour.

Due to his influence on freedom-loving people, Siarhei Mikhalok cannot give concerts in Belarus and Russia, where his views are considered to be dangerous for regimes. BRUTTO's frontman and producer moved to Kyiv.

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