Is Belarusian Railway forces employees to take leaves?

  • 10.03.2015, 17:02

Workers of the Belarusian Railway complain about problems their enterprise has.

A reader of Aleh from Minsk informs that the situation at the Belarusian railway is worsening.

“Everyone has to write an application about an unpaid leave for a term from 2 to 6 days, depending on a branch. Every month locomotive drivers work 100-130 hours at best. The number of trains is very little. As people say in our country: everything is ok, as long as the war does not start,” he wrote.

The spokesperson of the Belarusian Railway Andrei Baravoj assured that these statements contradict the reality.

“I would like to say from the start, it is untrue. All applications for a leave are written by mutual consent of the parries, no forcible measures have been taken. The system is functioning as before,” he said.

We remind that earlier reports were received that different branches of the Belarusian Railway experience problems. Thus, workers of the depot in Baranavichy have to take unpaid leaves, a booking clerk of the railway station Baranavichy Central says that the company took a loan to pay salaries and child benefits. In Homel depot wages were reduced. Employees of the railway in Svetlahorsk experience problems as well.

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