Did the former head of Frunzenski district Police Department leave for serving in Donetsk People's Republic?

  • 11.02.2015, 13:12

Journalists did not succeed to find the former Chief police officer.

Nasha Niva reports.

Editor in chief of Natallia Radzina placed on Facebook the letter, which the editorial office received:

"It is told that Koval Aleh Mikalaevich, the head of Frunzenski District Police Department, received a reprimand and was summoned to the Minister Shunevich. But he failed to appear. He was also absent both at home and work. His wife said he had packed his rucksack and left for Krasnodar. Then for Rostov and now he supports the Donetsk People's Republic".

Indeed, until recently, Aleh Koval headed the police department of Frunzenski District of Minsk, but a couple of months ago, he was removed from office and Andrei Liubimau was appointed instead.

Nasha Niva called Aleh Koval, in order to either verify or prove this information wrong.

The son of a police chief confirmed that his father was not at home. If to be more exact, he is absent for a long time already. He could not say when Koval was at home. Journalists asked whether it was true that Aleh Koval went to fight in the Donetsk People's Republic. "It's kind of a joke. Of course not", the son said.

Aleh Koval's mobile phone is unavailable. And for quite a long time the newspaper writes.

Photo from AP archives

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