Belarus Is Outsider Economic Growth Rate Even Among CIS Countries

  • 17.12.2015, 12:30

The situation is worse only in Ukraine, the economy of which is suffering from the military conflict in Donbas.

According to the Statistics Committee of the CIS, economies of some countries are feeling fairly good in general. For example, in Armenia the GDP has grown by 4% in January – October 2015, by 4.8% in Kyrgyzstan, and by 6.4% in Tajikistan, Salidarnasts writes.

The situation is the worse in Ukraine, as far as the rate of economic growth is concerned, where the GDP has dropped by 7%, and in Belarus with its 3.9% decline. Even in Russia, which is targeted by economic sanctions and is undergoing hardships due to declining oil prices, the decline of growth rate was not so great – by 3.7%.

Moreover, in one more important indicator, capital investments, Belarus has been the worst among the CIS countries. While in Ukraine, which economy is suffering from the military conflict on Donbas, capital investments have dropped by 9.2%, in Belarus the decline is by 14.8%!

Besides, Belarus is an outsider in the rate of price increases among the CIS countries.

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