How Do Belarusians Survive With Salary Of Br3 Million?

  • 26.11.2015, 15:14

They are economizing even on water – they wash dishes in a bowl, not under a tap.

In October the average salary was Br6.8 million. Meanwhile, many Belarusians are paid way less. A dweller of Baranavichy told how she exists on a salary of Br3 million.

Halina, 50, is a worker at one of the industrial enterprises of the town. That’s the story she told to Salidarnasts.

– Is it really so, that the average salary in the country is Br6.8 million? And who has such a salary? At our plant we had a pay rise by only 5% over two years. As other women, I get a clear Br2.9 – 3 million. Men are paid by Br1 – 1.5 million more.

I spend 500 – 600 thousand for utilities payments. I buy a monthly travel card, and the rest is left for food products only. Sometimes I can buy underwear, socks, just to change them. When I need to renew my wardrobe, I buy something thanks to a vacation bonus, or buy on the installment plan.

I buy food products where they are cheaper. It is better to buy cereal products and pasta in Evroopt, lard in Korona, and household detergents – in Ostrov Chistoty – as they have discounts often. I bring potatoes and vegetables from my summer cottage, in autumn I pick mushrooms.

My life is not so bad, I am seeing a man whose salary is higher than mine. And when I look at my colleagues, who have children – they are economizing on everything they can. They eat almost potatoes only. They economize on electricity (they switch off the light as they go out of a room), on water – they wash dishes in a bowl, not under a tap.

People from our plant spent half of their wages in the canteen: they buy sausages, bread, sugar. I do not know how they manage to survive after that.

Where do I have holidays? Are you joking? I go on holiday to the village, to the vegetable garden. As most people, I am working hard to have something to eat in winter.

Do I know that hockey players are to have minimal wages of Br8.5 million? Not in the very least You must be joking.

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