Adam Michnik: “Maidan” of black hundred threatens Putin

  • 11.09.2014, 10:51

The president of Russia became a hostage of his own demagogy.

Vladimir Putin relies on his people and the hardened psychology of Russian society that regards the collapse of the USSR as a defeat.

Adam Michnik, Polish dissident and political prisoner, editor-in-chief of Gazeta Wyborcza, said to Ukrinform in an interview.

Michnik thinks Putin became a hostage of his own demagogy.

“He let the genie out of the bottle. If earlier he was afraid of Kyiv-style Maidan protests in Red Square, now he should be afraid of the 'Maidan' of the Russian black hundreds against him. They accused Ukraine of having the Right Sector, though its members were a minority in the Maidan protests, but their 'right sector” in the Russian Duma in Moscow is far worse than all Ukrainian 'sectors' together. I mean Zhirinovsky and the entire propaganda machinery,” Michnik said.

Michnik is convinced that Russian society will soon face frustration and disappointment.

“Putin relies on his people and the hardened psychology of Russian society that regards the collapse of the USSR as a defeat. It was the release for the Lithuanians and Poles, but for the Russians, as Putin said, it was the biggest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century. He said it sincerely. He really thinks so,” the Polish dissident noted.

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