Liabedzka: You cannot fry figures on pan

  • 24.07.2014, 13:21

The authorities claim there are no problems with pork and meat prices in the country.

Anatol Liabedzka, the leader of the United Civil Party (UCP), wrote it on Facebook.

“They calmed us down finally... We received an answer to our appeal signed by deputy minister of agriculture I. Brylo. It turns out that we don't have any problems with pork and meat prices in the country...

'In January—June 2014, organisations of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food provided the country's retail chain with 301,040 tonnes of meat and meat products (in meat equivalent), which is 107% of the last year's figures, including 151,700 tonnes, including poultry (106%) of sausages, 129,300 tonnes, or 106% of the last year's figures.' What beautiful fat figures! It's a pity you cannot fry them on the pan.

There's no need to open our market or buy animals and give them to private owners as compensation for slaughtered pigs.

'… 15 new pig farms are being constructed and 43 pig farms are being upgraded in the country.'

Now you are ready for the punchline!

'The situation of retail prices of meat in the domestic market has stabilised.'

I don't know if the deputy minister goes to shops or markets, but our 'stable' prices are two or three times higher than prices of the same products in Vilnius and Warsaw,” he wrote.

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