Support Charter'97 (Video)

  • 24.07.2014, 8:50

We continue our work due to your support.

The website Charter'97 became not only a popular Belarusian news site, but also a place for millions of like-minded people who care about free independent Belarus. We realise our responsibility for preserving and improving the place that allows the whole world to know about the situation in Belarus. The website has more than 300,000 unique visitors a day and more than 3 million unique visitors a month.

We are sure that the site should really belong to people and be independent to continue its work for the benefit of the country, not act against our conscience to please some forces.

The website staff appealed to readers at the end of May asking for help to preserve the site. Donor assistance and income from advertising do not allow maintaining the fast-growing project and providing stable work of the site. Thousands of people from Belarus and Belarus's friends all over the world responded to the appeal. Most donations were small sums, because our country is not rich, to put it mildly. Your solidarity and attention are the real appraisal of our work.

We call on the Belarusians who became successful due to their talent and hard work and can afford supporting a free Belarus. It's time to help your country not just in words, but in deeds, to preserve the opportunity for millions of Belarusians to receive independent information and feel they are not left alone with humiliations and arbitrary rule of the Belarusian dictatorship.

PayPal donation:

WebMoney accounts:

USD account (WMZ) - Z311413920153
Russian ruble account (WMR) - R293268005472

Multicurrency account for donations:

Bank’s name: Bank Millennium S.A.
Address: ul. Stanislawa Zaryna, 2A, 02-593, Warszawa
IBAN: PL 97 1160 2202 0000 0002 1671 1123
Account holder’s name: Fundacja “KARTA ‘97”
Payment’s destination: “Darowizna na cele statutowe”

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