Belarusians and Ukrainians protested against France selling Mistrals to Russia

  • 9.06.2014, 17:52

Ukrainian and Belarusian activists from California picketed French consulate protesting against France’s deal with Russia to sell Mistral helicopter carriers.

It has been reported by Tatsyana Yelavaya on Facebook.

Recently protests with a demand to France not to arm Russia with ultra-modern warships have been held in several countries of Europe.

Under the contract concluded 3 years ago France undertook to construct 2 warships of Mistral-type for Russia. Each of the ships is able to transport up to one hundred of helicopters and a thousand of troops. Russia is to receive the first ship by the end of the year, and the State Duma already contemplates its stationing in the occupied Crimea, in the city of Sevastopol.

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