Photo fact: Secret police at events in Minsk

  • 30.06.2014, 12:32

A reader shared new photos of secret police employees, who followed the event against the participation of Russian Federation troops in the 3 July parade.

The event that took place yesterday was organized by the Belarusian Committee for Solidairty with Ukraine. About 10 people, including civic activists Ihar Rynkievich, Illa Dabratvor and Hanna Shaputska, sent letters to Vladimir Putin, Aliaksandr Lukashenka, and also to the Russian embassy to Belarus and the Ministry of Defense of Belarus, protesting against the participation of Russian troops and Russian military equipment in the 3 July parade in Minsk due to Russia’s actions in the conflict in Ukraine.

The reader sent the editorial office four photos of the employees of Lenin police department, who observed the action and its participants near the central post office.

“They wore mufti, followed the participants from the central post office building to the Red Church, where they passed the surveillance on to employees of Moscow district police department, in whose territory the church stands.

The Lenin district policemen went back to the central post office and interrogated the head of the shift of the post office’s security. The talk lasted for about 10 minutes, after which they went to Valadarskaha Street, where all three of them got into a white Zhiguli car with the number plate in the photo.

It turns out that the secret policemen followed the activists without suspecting that they were also distantly followed. These cerberuses should know that their actions are being added to the evidence data base on criminal complicity to seizing and holding power in illegal way”, - the reader writes.

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