‘Atlant’ cancels working days

  • 3.04.2014, 8:54

This week the plant will be not working on 5 April, like scheduled earlier.

This follows from the order by ‘Atlant’s’ director general Viktar Shumila, a copy of which was sent to the web-site-editorial office by a reader.

“Due to the drop in the level of sales, lack of circulating assets and for the purpose of maintaining the paying capacity and economic sustainability of the organization I order to declare 5 April 2014 an idle day for the workers of MZKH and ZBT (apart from the FOK and the dormitory) and release them from work”, - the document reads.

The pay for the idle day will be made in the amount of 2/3 of the salary.

We would remind that earlier a number of other large Belarusian enterprises shortened the working week due to the lack of resources and overstocking.

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