Alena Kavalenka will be put on trial for boycotting “elections”

  • 2.04.2014, 12:04

The trial of the wife of a former political prisoner Siarhiej Kavalenka will take place on 15 April.

She shared that with the web-site.

“Yesterday the district police officer summoned me on the subject of the rally ‘Boycott to the electoral farce’ and composed a protocol for violating the article 23.34 of the Code on Administrative Conduct, after which handed in a subpoena obliging to come to Viciebsk’s Piershamajski court on 15 April. Jan Dziarzhaucau, who had been arrested for 7 days for this rally, was released yesterday”, - she pointed out.

We would remind that on 22 March CChP BPF arranged a rally near a polling station in Viciebsk. Jan Dziarzhaucau and Alena Kavalenka took part in it. They unrolled a banner reading ‘Boycott to the electoral farce’ and publicly tore in pieces the invitations to “elections”.

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