Maxim Vinyarski released after detention for “Death to Kremlin invaders!” poster

  • 10.04.2014, 10:55

The coordinator of “European Belarus” civil campaign has spent 15 days in prison.

He was detained after the rally on March 25, on Freedom Day. In the evening of April 9 Maxim Vinyarski (Maksim Viniarski) was greeted by activists of “European Belarus”, former political prisoners and journalists near the gates of the prison in Akrestsin Street.

We remind that on March 26, 2014 the activist stood trial for violation of articles 17.1 and 23.4 of the Administrative Code (disorderly conduct and failure to obey lawful orders of an official on duty). The trial was held by judge Alena Niakrasava. Head of the riot police subdivision Tarasau, who worked in civilian clothes at the rally on Freedom Day, and police officer Reut gave evidence.

On the evidence of the two false witnesses he was sentenced to 15 days of arrest for, as stated by them, he “shouted Nazi slogans “Putin is Fascist” and “resisted to riot policemen’s tour of duty violently”. It is obvious that the reason of the detention was a poster “Death to the Kremlin invaders!” which Maxim Vinyarski and other activists of “European Belarus” held during the rally.

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