Vital Rymasheuski: Lukashenka ready to stab Ukraine in the back

  • 31.03.2014, 15:19

The dictator's assurances that Ukraine doesn't have threats from the north are just words.

Vital Rymasheuski, a co-head of the organising committee to create the Belarusian Christian Democracy party, spoke to charter97org about the meeting of Lukashenka and Turchynov.

“The only thing Lukashenka did for the time of his rule was that he assured people they cannot trust his words. Including his assurances that Ukraine has no threats from the north. I hope Ukrainian leaders don't have illusions about his behaviour,” he said.

The politician emphasised the absence of changes: Russian fighter jets remain close to the Ukrainian border, Russia doesn't withdraw its troops from Belarus.

“In fact, Belarus is preparing to participate in the war with Ukraine on Russia's side. Despite oral assurances, we see the facts of carrying out joint military exercises on the Belarusian-Ukrainian border and the recognition of Crimea's occupation. These are serious issues. Invading Ukraine from our country will, if it happens, be a catastrophe and a stab in the back for Ukraine,” Rymsheuski noted.

The Belarusian dictator met with interim Ukrainian president Oleksandr Turchynov on March 29. The talks were held in Liaskavichy (the Homel region) on the border of the two countries.

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