Autukhovich to participant of “elections”: You agreed to play in unfair game

  • 13.02.2014, 8:56

The political prisoner expressed his opinion on the local council “elections” in a letter to Vaukavysk resident Aliaksnadr Sezen.

Mikalai Autukhovich thinks there's no difference between the local council “elections” and the parliamentary polls, because their results are planned beforehand, Belorusski Partizan writes.

“You have agreed to play in the unfair game with them. It's what they need. They will be able to say: There was an independent candidate, but people didn't support him. I've been repeating for a long time: Don't play the role that makes this show legitimate. There's a well-trodden path, but it's not for the people like you and me. Take it easy and don't be too stubborn,” Mikalai Autukhovich wrote Aliaksandr Sezen.

The political prisoner also sent his best wishes to all people who support him.

We remind that no “election” and “referendums” in Belarus have been recognised by international organisations since 1995.

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